Rochester & the Erie Railroad

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Mr. David Shields of the Rochester and Genesee Valley Railroad Museum will tell us the history of the Erie Railroad and its influence in the Rochester, New York, area.
We will also learn about the Rochester Genesee Valley Railroad Musem, their varied projects and yearly events which are open to the public.
Our evening’s presentation will be in the Court/Board Meeting room located within Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton.
Admission is FREE. Light refreshments will be provided.
David Shields came to our regularly scheduled meeting and represented his organization, the Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum, in a manner that would make them proud, and in doing so, met or broke an attendance record as PHHS staff people searched the meeting hall for additional chairs! David gave us a tour of the museum, it’s buildings and rolling stock, an interesting background on where their mostly local railroad engines came from and photos of their all volunteer workers lovingly doing restoration work. Many train ride tours are available with information found at www.RochesterTrainRides.com.
All aboard – the presentation is about to start A near record attendance tonight! We had a captivated audience. Our conductor, for the evening
Mr. Dave ShieldsRochesterTrainRides.com