DocentFest 2019

I’ll be hosting Docentfest 2019 on March 23rd at noon, at the PHHS museum. I hope you all can make it, as we have been busy moving things around, and adding new displays.
If you have a friend who you think might want to be a docent, please bring them along.
I will have handouts with the updates for you to add to your training guide you got last year. Plus, we might do a little walkaround so that you can see just what has been done.

And before I forget. . . . there’s gonna be cookies!!!!!!
Ken Freeman
PHHS Museum Curator
DocentFest 2019 UPDATE
The PHHS Museum was a hub of activity as several from the community attended DocentFest 2019. There were many discussions surrounding the various displays, artifacts, and maps.
Our Docents are prepared to answer your questions and welcome the opportunity to not only show history, but listen for the opportunity to take in a history lesson from our visitors, too.
REMEMBER – our Museum is open on Sundays starting March 31st, 2019 from 2 until 4. We are closed on major holidays. Come join us, discover us, visit us, and learn the history that has made Parma and Hilton what they are today!