2022 – 2023 Historical Society Highlights
Current membership 139
September 12, 2022
October 10, 2022
November 14, 2022
December 12, 2022
January 9, 2023
February 13, 2023
March 13, 2023
April 10, 2023
May 15, 2023
James Schiebel
Jane Oakes
Joe Reinschmidt
Ed Evans
Bill Sauers
David Crumb
Richard Iekel
Ken Slaugnhaupt
Marianna Gonzalez
Hilton Lions Club
Opera Houses of Genesee
Historic Parma Corners
Hamlin CCC / POW Camp
Manitou Trolley
Hilton Sesquicentennial
Monroe County Airport
Holland Land Survey
Polka Music provided for the PHHS Annual Banquet
- PHHS switched Venues from Parma Town Hall to Village Community Center due to increasing attendance. Thank you to the Town and Village for their hospitality!
- Emma Watts, a student at HCS, attended each program and videotaped it for our social media sites.
Cemetery Report
- Work has begun to restore the historic cemeteries in Parma/Hilton. People may designate donations to this fund.
- In October, 2022, Amanda Dudley led a tour of the Wright Family Cemetery with Board members and Friends of the Society re-enacting some of those who are buried there.
Digitization Project
- Frank Hubbell is digitizing our archives and written material.
- Registrar Ed Gable drew up a report on how the Registrar will be involved in this process and how it will be recorded.
Master Plan
- Under the leadership of Jeri Pickett, a process for developing a Master Plan for the Society has begun.
- The initial project is to put together an Operations Manual detailing the duties of each position/person connected to the Society.
- Dave Crumb continues to hold office hours on Wednesday evenings 7-9 in his office at the Village Community Center.
- Dave has led walking tours of West Avenue, Gorton and Henry Street, Main Street, Hazen and Smith Streets and part of South Avenue, in partnership with the Parma Public Library.
- He has written several pieces for The Westside News on the history of the area.
- In April, Mike Heise began doing a podcast with Dave on topics of historical interest in our area. This Podcast can be found on Spotify under The Big H Podcast.
Historical Markers
- A new historical marker was placed at the corner of 259 and Parma Center Road highlighting the first Methodist Episcopal Church in Parma.
- Another marker will be placed for Walter Vond at the end of 259 and Hilton Beach.
- The Village has approved a marker for the 1965 Main St. Fire.
Social Media / Website
- www.parmahiltonhistoricalsociety.com
- Facebook: Parma Hilton Historical Society
- YouTube: Parma Hilton Historical Society
- Podcast: The Big H – Conversations with Crumb
- The museum is open on Sundays from 2-4 welcoming visitors and giving tours of the collection.
School Tours
- John Corcoran, Frank Hubbell and Ed Gable presented a talk on the Native Americans in our area to 4thgraders in the Hilton School District.
- In April this year the museum hosted the 1st and 2nd graders from Quest on three days to tour the museum. Docents made the history come to life for the children.
Display Windows
- In July, 2022 the PHHS partnered with the new Hilton Alumni Association to do a display of Alumni through the years beginning with our first graduate, Jennie Mitchell in 1898.
- Windows at the Village Historian’s Office at the Community Center and the Town Hall have been used to display Jennie Mitchell, famous Hilton women, 1920-30 Valentine Collection, 1950 Christmas Card collection, Lanterns, Hilton Baseball, and Spring Planting.
- Amanda Dudley designs the Village Office window and Ken Freeman and Nancy Leport design the Town Hall window.
It has been a very busy and successful year!