Unionville, or North Parma Post-Office
UNIONVILLE, OR NORTH PARMA POST-OFFICE, is the most important and flourishing place in the town. It is situated on Salmon creek, on the line between the two sections, and on the Ogdensburg, Watertown and Oswego Railroad. It was settled in 1805 by Jonathan Underwood, and 1810 by Jason Tyler, who built the first house in 1811, and the first blacksmith-shop in 1815, —the former near the present Baptist church building, and the latter south of the Corners, on the east side.
In 1820, Samuel Smith opened a tavern on the site of the drug-store now owned by Charles Spring. Five years after, Jason Tyler purchased it, and kept it a few years, after which it was discontinued. Several years later a large, cumbersome structure was erected on the southwest corner by Charles Darling, and opened for a hotel. It was better known as the Arcade. It was closed five years after and permitted to sink into decay.
In 1836, William Fossmire built the first store a few rods farther west, on the north east corner. It is now owned by George Ingham and has an extensive trade. Until 1870, it was the only store north of the Centre. In 1876, the first and only drug-store in the town was opened by Charles Spring, from Brockport. Unionville has a population of about three hundred, four stores, wagon-shop, harness-shop, saw-mill, stave and barrel factory.
History of Monroe County, New York; With Illustrations
Descriptive Of Its Scenery, Palatial Residences,
Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories
published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1877
Pages 175